Polyurethane Scraper Blades

Looking to improve the performance of your conveyor belt so that it maintains efficiency for a prolonged period?

Removing carry back effectively and efficiently, primary conveyor belt cleaners are a simple yet highly effective solution to enhance material flow performance. NMC’s complete line of conveyor Pre –Engineered Poly belt scrapers solve conveyor material carry-back problems.

Carrying Rollers

Carrying rollers support the conveyor belt. They are designed for providing maximum strength and balance, and minimal friction with belt and run-out.

HDPE Conveyor Roller

Typical applications for the rollers are in the mines, quarries, cement plants, coal-fired power plants, and port installations.

DuraRoll – Impact Rollers

Transfer points are critical operational areas for conveyor belts. Poorly designed and improper product selection often cause unplanned shutdowns.